16 March 2008

Manuel's Story

This is Manuel' story. Manuel is a lay missionary. He lives in San Miguel. He is starting a ministry in the men's side of the San Miguel prison, like the ministry conducted by Elvira on the women's side of the prison.

Manuel is also working to establish a church in a marginalized settlement on the outskirts of San Miguel, called Las Brisas.

We drove with Manuel on the rough dirt trails through the area, past houses that were little more than piles of corrugated metal and discarded wood.

And we had the privilege of meeting famlies in the area and hearing their stories.

Finally we reached the location on a hillside overlooking the settlement, with cows grazing below. The views of the volcano in the distance with the city of San Miguel at it's base were magnificent.

We listened to Manuel tell, with quiet passion, his story of a dream for this community.
And we shared the peaceful moment of a sunset over this country that has such great heart.

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